Unity Osteopathy

achieve your optimal

Foot and Ankle clinic

Anatomical model of the foot showing ligaments and bones for treatment of plantar fasciitis. Foot and Ankle Clinic at Unity Osteopathy. FMT for painful feet

Are you tired of being plagued by foot and ankle conditions that hinder your daily activities and dampen your spirits? Imagine a life free from pain, where you can confidently walk, run, and dance without limitations.

This article will unveil the transformative benefits of foot joint manipulation techniques and offer effective management strategies for a wide range of foot and ankle conditions. Get ready to take charge of your foot health and unlock a world of pain-free mobility!

Understanding Foot Manipulation

Foot manipulation techniques are a non-invasive and drug-free approach to managing various foot and ankle conditions. This specialised treatment is administered by skilled practitioners who employ gentle manual techniques to address structural imbalances, restore joint mobility, and improve overall foot function. By manipulating specific joints, ligaments, and soft tissues, foot manipulation aims to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote optimal healing.

History of foot and ankle manipulation

Matthew Stewart, registered osteopath and founder of Unity Osteopathy in Parnell is a highly skilled osteopath with almost 30 years of experience in helping people out of pain.

He has completed numerous advanced postgraduate training programmes in foot and ankle treatment with the top experts worldwide.

Matthew recently travelled to California to train with Dr Rue Tikker, DPM, a world-leading expert in the treatment of foot and ankle conditions with manipulation and mobilisation techniques.

Dr Rue Tikker, DPM, has over 70 years of experience! Yes, that’s right—70 years of using these techniques. Dr Tikker trained with and took over the practice of Dr John Martin Hiss, DO, MD, who operated the largest foot and ankle clinic in the world in Los Angeles, California. This treatment style was developed by Dr John Martin Hiss and Dr AT Still, MD, the founder of osteopathy, in the early 1900s.

Matthew Stewart learning foot manipulation techniques from Dr Rue Tikker DPM in Oakland, California, April 2023.

The foot and ankle techniques developed by Drs Hiss and Still and refined by Dr Tikker over 70 years of practice are useful in the management of:

  • acute and chronic ankle sprains
  • plantar fasciitis
  • Morton’s neuroma
  • Metatarsalgia
  • Bunions (hallux valgus)

Relieving Foot and Ankle Pain

Foot and ankle pain can be debilitating, affecting your ability to walk or engage in physical activities. Foot manipulation techniques target the underlying causes of pain, such as misalignments, joint restrictions, or muscle imbalances. These techniques relieve pain by restoring proper alignment and enhancing joint mobility. Whether you suffer from plantar fasciitis, Achilles tendonitis, or ankle sprains, foot manipulation can be a game-changer in your journey toward a pain-free life.

Restoring Range of Motion

A limited range of motion in the foot and ankle can severely impact your mobility and overall quality of life. Foot manipulation techniques focus on improving joint mobility and flexibility, enabling you to regain the full range of motion in your feet.

treatment plantar for fasciitis. FMT foot mobilisation therapy for painful feet at Unity Osteopathy, Parnell Auckland Matthew Stewart. ACC reg. providers

Through gentle manipulations and targeted stretching exercises, foot manipulations gradually release tension, realign structures, and break down scar tissue. By restoring proper function, you’ll experience newfound freedom in your movement, allowing you to engage in activities you once thought were out of reach.

Enhancing Balance and Stability

Foot manipulation techniques address pain and range of motion and play a vital role in improving balance and stability. Many foot and ankle conditions are caused by imbalances within the musculoskeletal system, leading to compromised stability and an increased risk of falls. By realigning joints and correcting muscle imbalances, foot manipulation techniques help enhance proprioception and stability, reducing the likelihood of future injuries and providing a solid foundation for optimal foot health. An osteopath skilled in foot mobilisation techniques can assess the whole chain of joints, muscles, and connective tissue from the feet right up to the head.

Preventing Future Injuries

Foot manipulation techniques (FMT) offer a proactive approach to foot and ankle care, focusing on injury prevention. By addressing underlying imbalances and maintaining optimal joint function, these techniques help reduce the risk of future injuries. Skilled practitioners can provide personalized exercise programs and lifestyle recommendations to strengthen the foot and ankle, ensuring long-term resilience. Don’t wait for another painful episode—empower yourself with foot manipulation techniques to safeguard your foot health and maintain an active lifestyle.

Foot and ankle conditions no longer need to limit your potential and hinder your daily activities. With the power of foot manipulation techniques, you can effectively manage foot and ankle conditions, alleviate pain, restore range of motion, enhance balance and stability, and prevent future injuries. Embrace this non-invasive, drug-free approach to foot care, and experience the freedom of pain-free mobility. Take charge of your foot health today and unlock a world of possibilities for a vibrant, active life!

FMT at our Foot and Ankle clinic

Matthew Stewart is an expert osteopath and highly qualified in foot and ankle manipulation techniques.

FMT and orthotics

Foot and ankle manipulation, or FMT, is a non-invasive and drug-free approach to managing various foot and ankle conditions. FMT can be an excellent adjunct, or supporting treatment in adjusting to orthotics.

We collaborate with The Gait Doctor physicians Dr. Cherye Roche and Dr. Chad Gordon to ensure the best possible experience adapting to their expertly fitted orthotics. Dr Cherye and Dr Chad custom-fit orthotics to resolve common injuries like arch, knee, foot, ankle, and hip pain and increase performance in athletes and sports people.