We’re open!
Welcome to Unity Osteopathy! It’s an exciting day as we are open for our first appointments at this new location in Parnell.
Unity works with their clients to help them achieve optimal wellbeing and function, to thrive instead of merely survive.
About our osteopath – Matthew Stewart
Our osteopath, Matthew Stewart, has had experience on both sides of the therapy table and knows how debilitating pain and injury can be. A chronic injury from a snowboarding accident steered him towards his osteopathy, which both resolved his ongoing pain and determined his career choice.

With 25-plus years’ experience — which includes mentoring from global experts in specialised osteopathic techniques — Matthew has the expertise to examine, diagnose, and treat musculoskeletal conditions in clients of any age and activity level from sedentary workers to high performing sportspeople.
Matthew uses a variety of manipulation techniques to help clients resolve pain, improve movement and progress towards optimal function, including massage and stretching. He also provides ongoing aftercare treatment, personalized exercise programmes and, for sportspeople, he can advise on injury prevention and/or recovery, and high performance concepts.
If you prefer to thrive rather than merely survive, Unity will guide you towards achieving optimal wellbeing. Make an appointment today for a consult here
Matthew Stewart – M.Ost Registered Osteopath